Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hunkering Down in High Summer

Hi, Everyone! 

Do you remember me?  I hope so and I also hope that you've been having a great summer.  It's been a hot, hectic season for me so far with a lot of joy as well as a fair dose of stress.  Isn't that life?  I didn't mean to disappear so suddenly.  I've missed reading my favorite blogs and writing about my garden.  As for my garden, aside from dashing out to the orchard or for some herbs now and then, I've hardly seen it!  At dawn and dusk, the mosquitoes would gladly take a gardener as a meal.  I haven't been home much in the middle of the day, but if I were, I would have to garden in spurts.  We finally had our annual midsummer breakdown and hired some workers one weekend to help us tidy things up.  For now, everything is mulched and more or less weeded.  But it's such a sauna out there; even our hardiest summer bloomers aren't thrilled.  They are, however, persistent.  That's the beauty of drought-resistant, heat-loving plants.


I am eager to learn news of other gardens, the weather, the challenges, the home runs.  As for me, it's the time of year that I prefer to do most of my gardening from the proverbial armchair.  Just as gardeners in cold climates have a little more time to dream in deep winter, those of us in hot climates sometimes find it a relief to take a breather in high summer.  At least, I do!


  1. Summer is a season of testing for the garden and the gardener. I, too, have been trying to get my weeding and mulching done. It's coming along slowly, but it is coming. Your flowers look lovely, especially the milk and wine lilies.

  2. You are a brave, determined gardener and I so admire your fortitude! I remember once you told me to start watching for how the light changes as autumn approaches. Your advice helped calm my summertime blues.

  3. Hi Anastasia!
    I've been MIA this Summer too. Along with the heat we've gotten a whopping dose of smoke from several wildfires burning nearby. Your flowers are lookin good! Just hang on a few more weeks and things should start to cool down. (Maybe)

  4. Kate, hi! I've missed you! The wildfire reports have been scary; I hope you get some rain, soon.

    Thanks for your encouragement. The flowers and I are doing our best to be patient; they are better at it than I am!
